Thursday, August 4, 2011

Your life.

This might be a strange question to ask, but I am sure you will understand it later on in my blog. The question is: Are you ready to die? Now stop and think, what is your response to this question. I want an honest opinion, so, if you have to, take a moment and write down what you are thinking. Okay good, now continue.
   This could cause several different responses, but most of them orient themselves around one of the two. One, you could think: "What? Why would I be ready to die? My family will miss me, I won't be able to see my friends. I have so much I want to do. Why would I want to die?" Two: "Die? Sure. My life is hard, and yea I think it would be nice to go to heaven. I mean there will be cool stuff up there and I wont need to worry anymore about what I am going to do." This is how I see it, I think you need to die, before you can live. Live for God that is, which if you are it will be the most exciting time of your life.
   Now I want you to take a moment and reflect, what was your response to the question (this is why you should have written it down). You see, the response you have semi tells you where you are on your walk with God. If you are ready to die, if your life is hard, then God can use that to help you trust him with your life. If you need help to get back up onto your feet, then all you need to do is reach up and accept God's helping hand, but there are so many people who would rather just sit where they are because they can't get back up. They would rather lay there and suffer instead of letting God pick them back up onto their feet.
   Now if you were not ready to die, then this says (now I am not a psychiatrist or anything so don't expect life changing news) that you are still holding on tightly to your worldly life. If we love our life and how we live, then how willing will we be to do what God says? This is especially the case if God wants us to leave home and go out on the mission field. I think that in order for us to live for God we need to be willing to die for him at any moment. You may think your life is going really well and that nothing could make it bad, well you are wrong. God wants you to trust him with everything and as the bible says God loves you, so he will at first nicely nudge you in a way to basically say 'trust me with everything.' If you listen right then, then you would have saved yourself a lot of trouble. If you ignore his nudges, then (Just to let you know, this will not always be the case, none of it will necessarily go like this, but I think this is common enough that it is worth mentioning) God can allow your life to fall apart, and will continue to let it crumble until finally you put your undying trust in him.
   If you are going through hard times. If you are going through something that you find as unfair, then praise God. Because it is most likely a test, that God has allowed to happen so that you will follow what he wants you to do and believe me resisting will only make things worse. If you are going through anything like this, don't get angry at God, praise him. For he has chosen you for something that is so amazing you could only imagine what it will be like.
   So let me ask you the question one more time: Are you ready to die?

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I am sorry for taking so long on getting back to this, but finals were tough and I was really busy, anyways here I am once again sitting on my lazy bottom and writing a post that is (once again) totally out there.
    So time. It sounds simple right? but if you really think about it, this four lettered word really covers a lot. I wont go into all the definitions because already I think I have bitten off more than I can chew.

  First of all, wouldn't it be great if we could simply escape time. I mean picture a room that is completely outside of time. You walk into the room, do three hours worth of homework, and walk back out of the room not even a second after you walked in. Not only this, but you could also go to bed for ten hours in a single second. How cool would that be! We would have so much free time to hang out with friends, because the only thing that would get in the way would be work. I mean what if we had whole schools in these rooms, so that you would really only be at school for a fraction of a second and yet get all of the work done. Or if you are me, you could just go into the room and write a book for three days (I feel a new plot coming along!). One other funny thing about this, is that with these rooms, age would be a variable. One could easily spend nine months in such a room in order to change his birthday, his age, and even if some one really wanted to they could mature faster than their friends (That is just an idea, I mean it is definitely not something I would do, lol). We could also go the opposite way. what if someone went into a room for a second and came back out and already a year had passed. (This is kind of what I use in my newest book, "Soucar and the Sphere")

   You might not have realized it but if you think about it, time is the most important thing in the world. The average person in the world has about 70 years to live (on earth).  Now this is a very limited time if you believe it to be all you have, and because of this people try so hard to have the best time they can during those 70 years. Not only is time limited, but time is the only thing that you can never take back (well at least as far as I can think of), do you get what I mean? Think about it, the time you spent reading the beginning of this Blogg you will never be able to take back. That moment is over. So the real question becomes were you satisfied with it? and this applies to every single moment.
   Say you have a grudge against some one, so instead of having a good time you force yourself not to just because of that grudge. Well 2/3 months later when the problem is finally resolved, are you satisfied with the time you waisted? This doesn't just apply to friendships. What about the computer? Xbox? Playstation?  or Wii? after spending hours on one of these, think about it, what have you really accomplished? After your 70 years are up, will you be glad that you did that?
   For me I have been working very hard on spending my time well. Even though it is summer I try to go to bed at 12 and wake up at 8. On top of this, I try not to play video games unless I do it with a friend, because alone, well it is a total waist of time. When ever I do something I always think about how I would look back at the moment, and weather or not I would be glad that I did that. Luckily for me when I write my books I feel accomplished, so whenever I have free time I don't just waist time, I start working on my book.
   However, even with my strategy, once I die it is all gone. I can't enjoy my books once I die. I can't exactly be proud of them. So it all boils down to two different ways to spend your time wisely. One, (if your a Christian) you can read the bible or pray in order to grow in your relationship with God, or do something to progress his plan in your life. Two, you can try to leave a positive effect on your community. But besides these two things everything else is worthless. Don't get me wrong, I think hanging out with friends is great and all, but this just shows you where we should put our priorities.

   As I rap up this whole topic about time, I would like to encourage you to not take the time you have for granted. As you see people walking about in your community, picture a timer ticking down above their head. For some the numbers will be higher than others, but all together they are drawing closer and closer to that dreaded 00:00.  This will help you to remember that time is limited, and for many could be running out. So live each moment with your family and friends as if it is your last, because, like the bible says, no one is guaranteed the next day.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

How far have we really come?

If you think about living conditions 100 years ago, what immediately pops into your mind? Farming? Walking to school? Dirty and uncomfortable clothes? It is easy for us to think about all of the negatives about the past, but what about the positives? Lets take technology and throw that out the window (yes there are other things to compare than just technology), you see the thing is, now days technology is all that we think of. When someone says "future," immediately flying cars, space travel, and several other technology related things will instantly come to mind, but this is not what is important. Here are some things that I see as important (excluding technology).
    First there is family; now think about this, you may have a good relationship with your family, but how much time do you spend with them? For me the answer to this is about two hours, but forty five minutes of that is during dinner. Now back to the past. In the mornings you would wake up and eat a good breakfast, that would probably take about an hour, then afterwards it was not uncommon for a family to read the Bible, TOGETHER! Let me ask you a question, when was the last time any of you did either of these. The last time I ate breakfast with my entire family was when all five of us children were being homeschooled, and then after that we would do our bible together (which was counted as one of our subjects) but since then this has never happened. After  breakfast, the children would all walk to (the same) school, were the majority of them would sit next to each other. Once school got out they would head back home (again together) and later that night they would all eat dinner together and go to bed. Could you imagine everyone eating dinner at the same time, and on top of that, with no distractions, no T.V. no cellphones, no ipods or music.
   Today, everyone wakes up at a different time. Dad wakes up at 5 and leaves for work, Mom wakes up at 8 and leaves for work, Highschoolers and middle schoolers wake up at 6 and go to school, while younger kids wake up at 8 or so. Finally at about 5 they all manage to end up back at home, but do they talk to each other, no, they are to busy doing home work watching T.V., or doing random things on the computer. At 6 everyone comes to the dinner table (given if everyone is even home, which is rarely the case with us) and eats for maybe thirty minutes and sometimes even less if the kids really have a lot of homework. Then finally at the end of the day everyone goes to bed at different times and hardly even says goodnight to each other. Talk about family interaction! Probably even half the time you are talking to a family member you are also simultaneously texting 3 or 4 friends.

   Next we have communities which today, sad to say, are basically dead. Think of the last time you talked to your neighbors? for me this answer is "About 2 months ago" and I am sure most of you will say the same. How sad is this, they live literally 100 feet away and you haven't talked to them in that long! When was the last time you talked to your best friend? I am sure that you are actually texting him/her at this very moment. Now how far away does your best friend live? Do you see what we do here, if we don't like to be with someone we immediately cut them out of our lives, you don't even need to have a good reason for it, a simple "they talk funny," "She looks weird," or a "He said that to me," is enough for you to perminately erase them from your life. Do you know why we do this? because we can! As technology progresses we are able to communicate in more ways with people who are maybe hundreds of miles away, and because we can do this, we don't need to see them in person as often, don't believe me, well then when was the last time you actually saw your best friend? The point that I am trying to make is that now because we can choose who is in our lives, we don't even try to put up with anyone who we might find as annoying , or weird. This destroys our ability to cooperate with others.
    Now back 100 years ago the odds are your best friend was either a sibling, or a neighbor (if you had any. I know what a concept right!). The reason why, was because you didn't want to have a best friend that it would take you an hour walk just to get to their house, you wanted a friend that you could spur of the moment decide to do something with. One other thing, if you wanted to tell them something, you would walk to their house, knock on the door and speak to them directly. Now days we could probably even remove our door bells since we always call ahead or just call if we wanted to talk. Now, for a mom or dad 100 years ago, they didn't call their friends, they would go to the general store and talk to who ever was there, all of whom she/ he probably already knew (could you imagine walking into a grocery store, and knowing everyone. Now days we walk into the grocery store and get excited when we see just one person that we know). Then walking through town, it wasn't uncommon to get stopped multiple times to talk to someone else and guess what, if they saw someone that they didn't know, they didn't just ignore them they actually introduced themselves. Next time when you are in a place with just one other person, don't just try to avoid them, talk to them. Who knows, they may just become your next best friend (You know, just in case you cut your best friend out of your life if they do something that you might not like, or get a little mad at. I must say apologies are totally extinct).

   So next time you look back 100 years and think "I am so glad I didn't live then," think about it, because does technology make our pampered, intolerant, isolated, self focused, and online lives that we live right now worth it? I for one would have to say no.

Monday, February 28, 2011

English 122

So I am not encouraging this, but at the moment I am sitting in my Engish 2 class. Yes I am completely bored out of my mind, but hey at least this class isn't extremely hard. My teacher is a walrus (well that is what my borther calls him), his real name is, well I will keep that a secret incass he finds this blog. Anyways, he talks in that mono tone that every student dreads, wears really weird cloths (for example at the moment he is wearing a purple sweater with a dark blue button up collar shirt). His hand writing is almost undestinguishable, which means reading his comments on our essays is near impossible. Oh have I told you yet that his major was in Celtic Lore, I know right, who the heck majors in that? The one thing that really annoys me is that he always talks through things really slow. At the moment he is telling us about intext quotations and he has been doing this for the past twenty minutes. Yea well I have learned a few things, like making sure you put quotation marks around the qoute, (let me just say that he had to give us a demonstration for this). Woah, the first letter in the quote is capitalized, who would have known!
   Figures, he managed to find the only article in the whole book that talks about Celtic history. He always does that, its like he has a super power to find them. Wait hold on I need to pay attention............. Okay, he just got off of the topic of ellipsis (which he had to write down both the plural and singular versions of the word), and is now talking about Syntax. Oh great, he is asking us to define it.......... Thats kind of him, he gave us the deffinition after a guy defined 'sin tax.' Another definition! Okay, trivia question, what does context mean, any guesses? Here is the first clue he gave us, "Con(text)." Okay I give up, what is it? "The text surrounding a selected area." Ugh, I was that close to guessing something like that, well atleast now I know what it is (that was completely sarcastic). Great, three points to explain what context means. "Taking something out of context means that you miss interpret what the speaker was really trying to say," (why thanks oh teacher, I had no clue what it meant!). "Okay I think that is probably enough here. Wait, one more thing-" (really, I get it already, you don't need to continue!). Oh great, he has an exercise on it, sounds wonderful. Groups of five, really I don't think that it is that hard. Well I better go, hope you enjoyed my exsperience of todays english class. Tune back later for another totally boring class.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A tale of two really (un-normal) dreams.

Okay, well just the other night I experienced what has got to be the weirdest night of rest ever. Firstly it came in two different dreams, and each one completely different from each other and yet still weirder than any dream I have ever had.
   So for my first dream, I was in my history class. My teacher was talking about when gravity was first recognized. To demonstrate that gravity always worked he dropped a pen onto the table. (This is where it gets weird) The pen fell half of the way down and stopped in mid air. We all looked shocked at what had just happened, as well as our teacher. He waved his hand back and forth above the pen only to find that there was no string. "Well, I wasn't expecting that!" My teacher said still completely shocked. I forget what else he said but finally he came to this conclusion, "Well, the only explanation to this is that we are all dreaming." (I am not kidding, this is literally what happened) He continues on to say, "So if we are all dreaming, then there is really no reason to continue class, so should I just let you all go?" We all thought about it, but decided that if we were dreaming, then what would we want to leave for. So we decided to just stay in the room and play musical chairs or something (I forgot this part as well). By now, my mind started to realize that since I was dreaming I could change what ever I wanted, so suddenly we all started to float up into the air as if we were in space. (Okay, this is the weirdest part) Then suddenly I started to feel myself get pulled out of the dream, as if when ever I changed something in my dreams I started to wake up. I could feel myself once again laying in my bed but I was still dreaming. However it was like I was losing reception with my dream, everything was breaking up and people started to disappear. Finally the dream was completely gone so I decided to wake up. Only when I woke up did I realize just how weird my dream was, I mean when was the last time that someone in your dream told you that you were dreaming? I never thought it was possible either, but I guess that myth is busted now.
   My second dream, it wasn't as weird as my first, mainly because it involves being awake as well. Anyways I dreamed that I got a call from Frontrange (the community college I go to), they told me that school was canceled that day. I was so excited that I woke up, but I couldn't remember if it was a dream or not. At first I thought that it wasn't a dream so I turned off my alarm, then to be sure if it was a dream or not I went back to sleep (yea it sounds dumb now, but you will understand in a second). I thought for sure that if I went back to sleep and school really was canceled, then I would continue my dream of it being canceled. So I fall asleep, and surprise, I started right where I left. (In my dream) I hung up the phone, and started heading back up to my bed to get the extra sleep that I would be able to get. Before I reached my room, I suddenly remembered my thought process just before I started dreaming. I remembered that I was now dreaming once again, so I woke up. This answered my question of whether or not school was canceled, so I turned my alarm back on, and went back to bed.
    Yea I know weird right! well that is what happened, and now I am actually tempted to ask my history teacher if he had that same dream. Anyways, comment and tell me any really weird dreams you have had, and not the usual "I was doing this, and then randomly this happened." Only put down really weird dreams like the ones I just told you about.
   I feel another cool book plot coming along, lol.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nature, how normal does that sound?

   So we have all seen the sci-fi movies (or books) where there are those crazy natural disasters. For example rocks falling from the sky, the earth splitting open to form huge chasms, or acidic rain that burns your skin if it touches you. Well now just think about all of the things we have now, think hard, because we essentially have all of these things in our world. Yea I know we don't have acid rain, but we did. You might be thinking, "Yea, but Philip, we don't have rocks that fall from the sky." Well, what about hail?
   There are so many things that happen in our world that just happen often enough that we don't think of them as weird anymore. Okay, so back to rain, one of the simplest types of weather right (well of course besides the usual sunny and cloudy days). Sometimes clouds can dump up to three inches of water, now think about just how much that all weighed. Think, that was all just floating up in the sky! Thousands of tons of water just floating above our heads and we call this normal. Just imagine explaining this to someone who has never heard of, or seen clouds. Good luck on explaining hail and it just gets weirder from there.
   Wind, simple enough right? Well if you get strong enough cross winds, then a Tornado would be the result. Okay if you are by a window, look out side at your neighbors house. If you live in Kansas and have no neighbors, well then you could probably just look out side and see an actual tornado. Anyway, think of how something as gentle as wind can actually have the power to rip that house right off of its foundations.
   Earthquakes, if you think about this, does it not sound like something straight out of a science fiction novel. I can picture it right now: "The solid earth beneath his feet started shaking. There was no where safe, even the old reliable ground was no longer trustworthy."
   Okay enough with the natural disasters, but everywhere you look there is something crazy going on. So crazy in fact that I think calling it normal (Which to me labels something as 'Boring!') is incredibly misleading. A pine tree for example, it starts off with the pine cone. When the cone releases its seeds, the seeds themselves are smaller than a penny, then give it several years and BAM a forty foot tall tree! Yea, sure its normal, but does it deserve that title? Lets see scientists put some piece of equipment in the ground and in twenty years there stands a nice ol' machine that gets energy from the sun and feeds off of the nutrients in the ground. Then on top of that, lets watch it create more seeds so that it can create more machines just like it.
   Now lets not forget all of the crazy animals we have, like fish who breath in the extra oxygen in the water, or birds who have hollow bones and a perfect wing shape that enable flight. What about amphibians who start off the first part of their lives basically as fish, then they grow arms, legs and all the other things you see that frogs possess. Eyes, I am not even going to begin to explain how they work, mainly because I myself don't fully understand them, then there is the oxygenating of our blood which is actually what keeps us alive. Or if you want to get even more narrow, the individual cell. Just think of all the processes your body is doing right now as you just read this. If you ate just a little bit ago, then your stomach and intestines are digesting your food to run all of your bodily functions. Your lungs are constantly expanding and collapsing to allow air flow, your heart is pumping the oxygenated blood. Thousands of veins and arteries carry your blood to and from the muscles that need the energy and oxygen. Each and every single one of the cells in your body is burning calories so that they can do their jobs, and or form new cells. Then there is your brain, the thing that gives you the ability to think, process, see, feel, taste, move, learn, create, draw and remember. Now tell me, how is it possible for all of this to happen by chance?? These are the things that we call normal, so if normal things are as complicated as these things I have mentioned, then just imagine what isn't normal!